Thrales Scorn Vs Bloodzerker blade (Full Version)

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Faker -> Thrales Scorn Vs Bloodzerker blade (12/8/2020 15:37:36)

As the title implies, just wondering which weapon is better for FO warrior build.

Legendary Ash -> RE: Thrales Scorn Vs Bloodzerker blade (12/8/2020 16:24:36)

Hpcost equipment is dependent on turns in battle to determine whether or not its beneficial or a detrimental to a player, Celerity and an enemy with low damage, high Hp, defensive abilities have a negative impact.

Damage Lean equipment takes advantage of one's Celerity, but when the enemy acts first/deals a surprise element attack or the player is immobilized with such items equipped, its a disadvantage.

Broccoli -> RE: Thrales Scorn Vs Bloodzerker blade (12/8/2020 18:20:42)

Bloodzerker Blade

Primate Murder -> RE: Thrales Scorn Vs Bloodzerker blade (12/9/2020 1:25:16)

As Brocolli mentioned, Bloodzerker Blade is generally considered to be better. It has no special, but has a small synergy with Bloodzerker armors, dealing +5-10% damage.

It's also a Rare instead of a UR ;)

Guardswordian -> RE: Thrales Scorn Vs Bloodzerker blade (12/9/2020 8:04:40)

Personally, I prefer Thrale's scorn, but that's because I only use one bloodzerker armor, and I prefer nuking with celerity and kindred armor. If you use the kindred armor like I do, Thrale's scorn is better, because sometimes the special activates when you do the kindred strike, giving you more damage. Otherwise, if you use more than one bloodzerker armor, use the bloodzerker blade.

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