Location of the spell Your Body Heals at the Speed of Light (Full Version)

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Guardswordian -> Location of the spell Your Body Heals at the Speed of Light (12/9/2020 7:58:05)

I remember I saw this spell years ago, but I can't remember where. I tried looking up the spell but it's not even on the list. I feel like this is a must-have spell I should have for my new ranger character, but I just can't find where to find it. Does anyone know? Is it permanently rare?

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Location of the spell Your Body Heals at the Speed of Light (12/9/2020 8:15:59)

It's from the "Thursday the 12th - Out of Order!" quest.

Location: Granemor > Cemetery > Halerno's Statue > Thursday the 12th Out of Order!

Info sub quest thanks to Legendary Ash: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22323637

Info sub for the Your Body Heals at the Speed of Light: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22325245

Guardswordian -> RE: Location of the spell Your Body Heals at the Speed of Light (12/10/2020 10:42:00)

Thanks, I got it

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