Dragonfable In Review - A Hero Is Bored (Full Version)

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lloydbunyan101 -> Dragonfable In Review - A Hero Is Bored (12/12/2020 16:03:07)

I thought I would create a thread so that we can discuss anything Dragonfable

Today topic is A Hero Is Bored

Discuss yours Likes and Dislike about the quest. If it was to be improved in a reimagined release what need to be done. Your Experience with the quest. Anything related to this Quest You can discuss it

Over all I love this quest as it introduced the storyline of the game and some significant characters I kinda wish it was longer and went into more of the origins of our character but It was brilliant none the less.

Maybe in a Reimagined Release if this was to occur you can explained how some of the recently introduced features work in the way you did with the pets and guests for example an explanation on artefacts

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