Lorekeeper -> RE: The Cold?` (12/17/2020 15:03:34)
The Cold magnifies mental processes, so long of course as they exist to begin with. Network agents who achieved some proficiency with this discipline typically employed it to subjugate or subvert their targets. This power cannot override free will, but it's an extremely powerful tool for coercion. That being said, not all of its uses are harmful - Amilara Celegra uses it to restore the Chosen's fighting spirit, and there are places where its application is strictly medicinal. The Chosen has no immunity to this effect. Resistance is extremely rare, being generally indicative of an uncompromising process that the user failed to account for: Myr is a particularly unique case, whose fanaticism for the Water Lord allowed for a convincing ruse of pretending to have been corrupted while having in fact resisted the effect.