Character using only 2 elements? (Full Version)

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Varghus -> Character using only 2 elements? (12/13/2020 9:39:39)

Is it possible to make and use a character that only uses 2 elements (ex. fire & dark) for weapons and armor etc., and still have a successful character? Are there any players that already do this, and if so, how well does your character do?

Kurtz96 -> RE: Character using only 2 elements? (12/13/2020 12:49:31)

I don't know if anyone has done it, but if you were to, I would suggest picking 2 elements that are opposed but not directly. Fire/Water not Fire/Ice. Because with directly opposing elements there is design space there for a "chaos" or duality theme. Like the shifters.
With not directly opposing elements I think that is less likely.

Shiba -> RE: Character using only 2 elements? (12/13/2020 18:13:35)

I've once done it with 3 elements: Fire, Ice, Darkness.

It works, especially if Fire is one of your choices, because it is so useful against so many elements. If you have Prime Chaos Orb, the element of ypur choice matters even less.

The biggest task ahead is for you to find compression armours and shields so that you can still reasonably defend against the elements you did not choose. Elemental miscs close the gap even further, if you allow off-element miscs. Otherwise, you should find other ways to defend yourself.

Good luck!

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