Suggestion: Quest making? (Full Version)

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Saint Maurice -> Suggestion: Quest making? (12/16/2020 13:06:58)

Greeting and salutations everyone [:)]

so i was thinking what would be a interesting thing that would be for the community and would add to the longevity of the game besides endgame content, though i will say as a fair warning im not sure how feasible my idea is. My idea was allow to players to make quest that other players could challenge, so it would be something as simple as choosing enemies maybe some simple puzzles like the ones found in " the hard way" or other such quest. though like i said i dont know how feasible this would be, i thought it would be some what viable since i assume that there would be some premade assets that they could reuse for something like this. I think the big problem would be trying to figure out how to set something up for players to do that in the start and making sure that it runs smoothly and is not a broken mess. The main reason i though of this is because i thought it would be a good way for the community to interact with each other while also giving us stuff to do while waiting for new releases but ya just some food for though at the least.

any thought on this, do you guys think this to big of a idea, or any idea similar to this? i would love to here your thoughts.

LigerBeard -> RE: Suggestion: Quest making? (12/16/2020 15:41:29)

Unfortunately, I think they tried to implement that, but it was way too big of an undertaking at the time.

Saint Maurice -> RE: Suggestion: Quest making? (12/16/2020 17:07:25)

yeah i can definitely see why it would be consider to big of a project to tackle. well what do you think would be a good alternative to something like that?

LigerBeard -> RE: Suggestion: Quest making? (12/16/2020 20:15:35)

Honestly, I feel like the best thing they could do is focus on armor customization along with other ongoing projects for DF rather than add something else new to their plates.

To be frank, I adore that we got armor customization to begin with! Plus with Fleshweaver, Color Custom Master Soulweaver, and other side questlines on their agenda, we won't run out of things to get excited for anytime soon!

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