BLoD Farming (Full Version)

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battlesiege15 -> BLoD Farming (12/20/2020 12:45:09)

Another question. Does anyone have any advice on farming for the BLoD? I have looked at the guide but just wanted to see if there are any recent updates or changes that are maybe not on the guide that would make farming for this easier.

Also, how do you make a private room? Trying to do /join battleunderb creates so much lag and kicks me out frequently from the room so just solo-farming would be nice. Thank you!

Silver Disdain -> RE: BLoD Farming (12/20/2020 13:51:58)

1. Keep on farming Spirit Orbs until you have 10,500 of them.
-->Bust Some Dust and A Loyal Follower are your friends.

2. To create a private room, you type
" /join mapname-###### "
--> where mapname is an existing map
--> where ##### is any integer between 1000 and 99999
-->> inputting a number more than 99999 will result in joining a room between 99000-99999

battlesiege15 -> RE: BLoD Farming (12/20/2020 14:35:55)

1. Thanks. So much :(

2. Oh, sweet. I didn't realize it was 4-5 #s, I was doing -999 and kept being defaulted to the default

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