Yorozuya -> Looking for similar weapon (12/23/2020 1:17:02)
Does anyone know if there is a weapon that has similar look, size and shape with Rowan's Sword of Will? This weapon would have been perfect for me if it wasn't because the hilt/handle. I don't really like how the blade part doesn't connect with the hilt and just sort of floats in the air.
So if anyone has suggestion please let me know, it doesn't matter if it's AC as long as it isn't restricted by member only tag.
Axios -> RE: Looking for similar weapon (1/2/2021 10:06:17)
Hi there, I have compiled a list of swords that you maybe interested in; they resemble the sword you mentioned, some more than others. I've included several that are rare, many are likely still accessible via Items of Digital Awesomeness; hopefully even though some do not share your specific criteria, you might find one that you still like.