Searing Strike Guardian Dragon Blade (Full Version)

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Macho Man -> Searing Strike Guardian Dragon Blade (12/26/2020 15:10:26)

So I had questions about this weapon. apparently it is a clone of this with this update. So essentially this is a regular weapon that has a compressed fire armour with a skill. Is the skill a Guardian Dragon special but fire instead of harm? Is that why it still has the ele comp of 1.86326? So it won't just do the 20% of max health but will look at the fire resistance as well? And on top of that include the

# *(0.5 + 0.5*[STR|DEX|INT based on weapon type]/ExpStat), to a max of 1.1
# *1/0.85/1.4

I just wanted to understand this weapon more. I feel like it could pair nicely with my Armour of Frostval Past with it being FD and an actual guardian armour and all [:)]

Happy holidays everyone!

joac1144 -> RE: Searing Strike Guardian Dragon Blade (1/11/2021 10:19:31)

The weapon itself is a normal Fire weapon. Clicking it transforms you into the Searing Strike Guardian Dragon form (armor). The armor has a skill. The skill does Harm damage. The damage it does depends on the monster's level (compared to yours) and the monster's HP.
I might be able to give further details on how the skill works, but I won't take the time to learn it if it doesn't matter to you (or anyone else).

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