FO mage rating (Full Version)

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icetears -> FO mage rating (1/3/2021 6:12:45)

Character Link :
Level & Status : 146 guardian
Build :Fo mage
Armor of Awe/UltraGuardian Element (If Applicable): darkness
Custom Weapon N/A

Looking to make a more f2p mage without those bloodmage or cutlass items. Thinking of how to improve my weaps or gear
I might be getting zealot wrath, does it work on armor skills?

Primate Murder -> RE: FO mage rating (1/4/2021 4:08:15)


I might be getting zealot wrath, does it work on armor skills?

There are 3 types of armor skills - old standard, spell type and weapon-based. Zealot's Wrath only works with the last one.


I would suggest aligning your no-drop to earth, since it has the weakest nuke of those available to you.

Keep Pyro BM, as it boosts both your weapon attacks and fire spells.

Blade of the Briar has a skill that inflicts Bleed.

Haunted DL's Insight restores your mp based on the number of hits that you've made.

Paragon Ice Blade compresses ice and darkness.

Keep Thunder Lord's Staff, since togglable autohit gives you great utility.

Sacred Paladin Mace/Sceptre restores a noticable amount of hp every turn when you fight undead.

Sila's Staff provides a small boost to all your spells and spell-type skills.


Pyromancer Bloodmage has the strongest fire nuke in the game.

WHEEL has the best (non-rare, non-GGB) water nuke. It also doubles as your earth armor.

Haunted Dragonlord has a powerful and accurate wind nuke. It's treated as a spell, and so would benefit from Sila's Staff.

Horo Show and Taladosian are still among the top options for ice and energy.

Paladin's Inner Light (Overwhelming) is only slightly weaker than WKZ's nuke, but the armor also comes with a bunch of other skills, including a stat toggle, revival and Manifestation guest that boosts your light damage. Arcanist would be the best option for mages.

Brilhado Necromancer Robes provide a large damage boost to your D-Burst spell.


Celtic, Shieldcake, Pies and Mystic Father Time remain unmatched for their respective elements. Cozy Mogloo is pretty nice as well.

Fujin shield gives a Dex drive for increased accuracy.

Eclipsed DL's Will has a stackable qc Barrier - great synergy with Purple Rain.


Not much to say here, honestly. I would suggest replacing Borrow with either Archmage Research or Runic Binding to have a source of harm damage, and grabbing New Year's Surprise if you get enough tokens.


Replace No Vote with Rejuvenating Necklace. It restores mp based on damage dealt.

Replace Bad Medicine with Goggernaut Helm. It gives +10 bth to every attack on the field without the usual /2 for spells.

Replace Blackroot with Grakma Warhorn. It can inflict you with Berserk, giving you a 20-ish% damage bonus. It comes at the expense of your accuracy, but is multiplicative and doesn't /2 for spells, making it the strongest spell-booster in the game.

Hope the info's useful and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

icetears -> RE: FO mage rating (1/4/2021 5:04:57)

thank you very much for the suggestions! On the side note, i realized that bloodmage armour and cutlass are really good combos. But say if I do ran out of mana and revert to usual hack and slash, isnt the cutlass weak as a dmging wep?

Primate Murder -> RE: FO mage rating (1/4/2021 8:19:58)

As a general rule, FO mages rarely bother with hack and slash. With Rejuvenating Necklace you can cast ~3 spells per battle and if that's not enough to kill the monster, you revert to armor skills. Between DL weapons (haunted or eclipsed) and Essence of Carnage, recovering mp should be fairly easy.

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