So about the Paladin quest after level 20... (Full Version)

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Ninjaty -> So about the Paladin quest after level 20... (1/6/2021 1:33:49)

How long is this quest?
I am trying to get through it on a level 120 character, and each fight seems to be against level 135 enemies, each of which poses an annoyingly big risk to my continued survival and consume a lot of time and resources.

My best attempt thus far was making it I think 6 battles in (I think). The background displayed the door to the building I am trying to get to, but then the Frogzard Knight I was fighting just stun-locked me into oblivion, with a Daze effect that gave me 315.4% chance of being unable to act each turn... He of course stacked these to high heaven once he realized how hilarious it was. So that was all my progress undone in a single turn, which felt just a tiny bit unfair...

I have yet to make it that far again so far, but it of course made me wonder a few things:
1. How far was I from the end?
2. Do I even stand a chance of completing this quest?

Armsman -> RE: So about the Paladin quest after level 20... (1/6/2021 1:38:49)

The base Paladin armour is Tier 3.5, meaning it scales from level 70 to 120. The Advanced quest you're trying to do unlocks the level 135 and 150 variants of the Paladin armours.

You're way under-levelled for the quest, and even if you beat it, you won't be able to use the rewards. Try coming back once you've hit level 135.

EDIT: To be more specific about your questions, there are ~8 mobs at level 135 or 150 depending on your level, then a miniboss, and a boss proper. You were a ways away from finishing it. And at level 120, you shouldn't stand a chance at beating this final Paladin mission.

Ninjaty -> RE: So about the Paladin quest after level 20... (1/6/2021 1:59:18)

So I am indeed under-levelled... Could be nice with a little sign for stuff like that in-game.
Being able to use the higher level armors isn't my concern, though thank you for giving me their levels.

Thank you very much for your answers and your time.

Firedice18 -> RE: So about the Paladin quest after level 20... (1/7/2021 17:55:29)

This quest is one of the places where u can farm exp

I was lvl 116 i redo it few times and got leveled to 120 just keep redoing the quest

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