PWD question (Full Version)

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Ryu Draco -> PWD question (1/6/2021 22:56:55)

So I have PWD set for my Blade of Awe, but the Guardian Dragon triggered out of nowhere. Is this a bug I should post or does PWD not trigger if the level difference is to big?

joac1144 -> RE: PWD question (1/7/2021 7:27:33)

I just tested this with my Staff of Awe!!!. I did enough attacks to proc PWD 4 times. I did not proc the Guardian Dragon a single time.
Are you sure you changed the aligned special on that character?

Ryu Draco -> RE: PWD question (1/7/2021 9:57:54)

I changed it again just in case before trying again. It was a level 50 with Blade of Awe!!! and the dragon triggered against level 100 Drakath, which is why I thought it might have been a level issue.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: PWD question (1/7/2021 11:41:19)


So I have PWD set for my Blade of Awe, but the Guardian Dragon triggered out of nowhere. Is this a bug I should post or does PWD not trigger if the level difference is to big?

That is a feature, not a bug.

PWD has a level check to make sure that you're not using it with,
for example, a Lv5 character to nuke a Lv150 mob.

If you fail the level check, then you cast Guardian Dragon instead.
Sounds like that is what you are running into.

Ryu Draco -> RE: PWD question (1/7/2021 20:27:41)

Ah, makes sense. Ah well, I still won, it was just a bit of a slog.

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