Silk-Screamer Rider (Full Version)

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Windstar -> Silk-Screamer Rider (1/7/2021 22:21:44)

Can someone tell me where is the location of the Silk-Screamer Rider armor?

Ryu Draco -> RE: Silk-Screamer Rider (1/7/2021 22:22:20)

Void Rotation I'm afraid, you'll have to wait.

Windstar -> RE: Silk-Screamer Rider (1/7/2021 22:26:57)

When did they release it, because I don't Know what void time of challenge they put this armor in?

joac1144 -> RE: Silk-Screamer Rider (1/8/2021 7:20:50)

You can see when Silk-Screamer comes back:

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