LUK for Beastmasters (Full Version)

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Veleqwii_Fox -> LUK for Beastmasters (1/8/2021 2:14:27)

I saw from a guide that Beastmasters can have 250 CHA/DEX/LUK build.

Does LUK give Pets/Guests lucky strikes? It this build better than 250 CHA/DEX/STR?

Broccoli -> RE: LUK for Beastmasters (1/8/2021 2:20:26)

LUK works better than STR because played optimally, the majority of your damage does not come from yourself; making STR useless.
Guests cannot lucky strike but pets can, and LUK will give you a better chance of successful status inflictions as well.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: LUK for Beastmasters (1/8/2021 2:42:05)

I see. Thanks!

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