Pure mage pets and miscs (Full Version)

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Guardswordian -> Pure mage pets and miscs (1/9/2021 6:02:33)

So now I have a lvl 150 pure spell-casting mage, everything seems perfect to me except for the pets and the miscs. Any recommendations? I've looked up 0-CHA pets but they don't have much on that. As for miscs, I think I know what I want for the most part, but I'd still appreciate recommendations. I really need the information on pets though.

joac1144 -> RE: Pure mage pets and miscs (1/9/2021 6:49:11)

There aren't really any good 0-CHA pets besides boosters. The best one is probably Underwyrmling.
See this: https://adventurequestwiki.fandom.com/wiki/0-CHA_Pets

For miscs: https://adventurequestwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Mage_Miscs

Guardswordian -> RE: Pure mage pets and miscs (1/9/2021 10:08:24)

I've already checked those wikis... I can only get 4 pets on that list, since most are rare or special offer, and I don't use kindred for this. I'm asking people who have mage with 0-CHA what pets they find useful.

joac1144 -> RE: Pure mage pets and miscs (1/9/2021 13:06:26)

Pets just aren't useful with 0 CHA. That's why there are only a few pets on the list.
If you think the list is missing some pet that's useful with 0 CHA, I'll gladly consider adding it.

Again, Underwyrmling is probably the most useful non-booster 0-CHA pet. Then comes healing pets due to not being limited by low accuracy (since 0 CHA).

Guardswordian -> RE: Pure mage pets and miscs (1/9/2021 20:36:53)

Hmm... I was wondering if there were some pets that respond to other stats, like how some weapons use CHA instead of LUK for lucky strikes...

What do you think about Sneaking Diamond Dog Pet?
Do you think it's worth using for damage somewhat? Apparently "The Sneaking version has its baseline damage halved (so it normally only does 20% Melee). In exchange, this pet uses DEX in place of CHA for purposes of damage and accuracy formulas. Basically the MC and halving of baseline damage is used to pay for the pet not needing CHA in any way."
So the base damage is lowered, but it should be accurate enough with 250 DEX. Would it be better to attack with Fairy Godmother? I don't see anything about her with CHA, so I assume her accuracy and damage depends on CHA like normal, but I'm not sure how bad it would be with 0-CHA.
So 'Should I get Fairy Godmother for healing, and Sneaking Diamond Dog for light damage?' is a question I'm asking.

I guess I'll just have to stick with Underwrymling and healing until something comes out.

joac1144 -> RE: Pure mage pets and miscs (1/10/2021 9:33:50)

I did consider mentioning Sneaking Diamond Dog, but I don't think it's worth using unless you really want to use pets as a 0-CHA player and have free pet slots. It definitely is better than a normal Light pet since it gets BtH from DEX only, but the half damage that it gets makes it do low damage anyway.
Since you do have free pet slots, feel free to use it whenever you want a bit of extra Light damage. It is better than attacking with Fairy Godmother because of the higher accuracy.

Also, don't expect to see pets that are good without CHA. They are not common and are mostly booster-like pets.

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