Can you access old quest (seasonal rares) from portraits in other peoples houses? (Full Version)

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Mike Dragonblade -> Can you access old quest (seasonal rares) from portraits in other peoples houses? (1/9/2021 19:35:17)

Can you? I know that some portrait let you replay old quest, but can you visit someone else house and use their portrait? If it is possible, is it against the rules to ask other people for their house ID?

I don't really care about rare items, but I wish I could play old quest that I missed because life got in the way.


joac1144 -> RE: Can you access old quest (seasonal rares) from portraits in other peoples houses? (1/10/2021 9:36:45)

You cannot use other people's paintings.

A character's house ID is the same as the character's char ID, so you're free to ask for it.

Mike Dragonblade -> RE: Can you access old quest (seasonal rares) from portraits in other peoples houses? (1/10/2021 10:55:57)

Thank you.

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