Hybrid Spells (Full Version)

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celticsrul44 -> Hybrid Spells (1/10/2021 12:44:55)

Hi all,

My main is a werepyre hybrid. Was curious which spells people find useful or any good spell synergy for werepyre hybrids? I feel like that is where I'm struggling the most. My current selection can be found on my character page below.


Armsman -> RE: Hybrid Spells (1/12/2021 5:29:07)

In your Werepyre Beast form, any spell cast will use your Werepyre hybrid stats for damage and BTH in addition to gaining a 50% damage boost, which puts it above the Generalist Robes when you aren't using Imbue With Lore. So... pretty much any of the usual Mage nukes will suffice for when you need a bigger burst of damage than what your regular attack in Beast form provides.

Aside from that, if a certain attack or buff has both skill and spell variants, lean toward the spell version since your MP is another good resource to leverage when using the Purple Rain loop.

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