IoDA (Full Version)

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G3n3Z10N -> IoDA (1/11/2021 6:50:47)

Is there a list for the IoDA items available? [&:]

Axios -> RE: IoDA (1/11/2021 11:24:11)

Items not listed under the limitations within the How To Claim Your Prize lore guide are all available to be claimed, here's a list of all Excluded "Item of Donated Awesomeness" Items. If you're curious about if a particular item is available, then I'd be happy to check on that for you; per my research, there is not currently a compiled list of available IoDA items outside of its respective redemption page.

DarkFireKiller -> RE: IoDA (1/25/2021 14:03:36)

If you have a particular idea in mind, you can use the Wiki's Search Items by Tag page to find items. Add the query -ioda-excl to exclude everything that is exempt from redemption.

An example of a search would be:
+rare -ioda-excl +sword +winged defaultdmg mediumdmg

This will give you a list of rare, ioda-able swords that have wings, and have either the default or medium damage range.

You can skim through the list of tags on the wiki here.

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