Pure DEX weapons (Full Version)

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Mr. Roguish -> Pure DEX weapons (1/11/2021 17:50:44)

Famine Rapier is a sword that does ranged damage that the info description in the "RE: Weapons" says:

MC Ranged Wind Sword (its a rapier, you go all weapon finesse on your foe and weild it with your DEX instead of your STR

1. Is it ranged damage like how it is usually part DEX+STR, or is this 100% DEX?
2. Is this a standard trait for all rapiers now?
2. Does anyone know of any other non 100% proc weapons that stats come purely from DEX?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Pure DEX weapons (1/11/2021 19:44:29)

The Weapon Finesse it refers to is the same as Paperclip's, its on Ranged weapon standards as instead of Melee due to Swords normally being Melee.

If it were designed like Sneaking Diamond Dog, then it can scale off of Dex.

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