Builds List (Full Version)

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Veleqwii_Fox -> Builds List (1/12/2021 1:57:00)

Hello, is there a list of builds? I've been thinking of what other fun builds I could follow.

I'm already doing FO Pure Mage and FD Beastranger. I was thinking of FO Pure Warrior, but also looking at Hybrid because of the Werepyre subrace. Or maybe a tank build? Are they even viable?

I was also thinking which booster pet is better for Warriors, Dunamis or Thernda?

Digital X -> RE: Builds List (1/12/2021 4:47:41)

There is a list of builds that can be found here:

It also has several variations of each so you can switch around your stats if you feel that particular setup is not viable.

Regarding the booster pets, I would always recommend Dunamis as I use it myself. It has certainly been a worth while purchase. However, if you are using Ranged attacks, then Thernda would be the one I would go for, and use Dunamis for Melee attacks.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Builds List (1/12/2021 7:58:29)

Thank you very much!

Sqwall -> RE: Builds List (1/12/2021 12:16:34)

I think picking up a Hybrid because of one race armor is a poor reason (in my opinion). The very definition of the class is variety - if you are gonna pick up Hybrid do it for that. Don't lock yourself out of the possibilities for both fighting and casting on the same character by making an Armor inventory full of Werepire armors and (what i can only assume) a Weapon inventory full of Zerker blades. Don't rob yourself of the many options you have as a Hybrid by making a build compatible with only one armor.

Just my thoughts as someone who has a Hybrid for 18 years.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Builds List (1/13/2021 2:57:31)


Maybe I could do another Hybrid after I get a Werepyre hybrid going [:D] Right now I'm just exploring Weapons, Spells, Class/Subrace Armors, FO/FD Armors, Pets and Guest. Basically, trying to get a feel of how the game currently works.

I've been away for a really long while so I think my game knowledge is not so great. I'm not confident enough to make a "real" hybrid character [:)]

Sqwall -> RE: Builds List (1/13/2021 3:45:17)


Well it's up to you - you do you. It's just that Hybrid gives you lots of options and going for Warepyre would basically give you a Warrior that can function without DEX and is locked to one armor - that's it. And that would mostly be all - every new cool armor you see, every spell and such - you wont be able to use them because of no DEX build. That's all i'm saying.

Of course if that's what you want - go for it by all means. But you could make a Pure Warrior all the same - wont be much different and would probably still have more options.

Shiba -> RE: Builds List (1/13/2021 5:16:30)

I'm confused here. Werepyre Hybrids can still successfully cast spells. Their "Hybrid Stats" toggle that makes them use STR+INT for damage and accuracy is not limited to weapon attacks and skills; they also make spells use these.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Builds List (1/13/2021 5:35:23)

@Sqwall: Maybe I should go Pure Warrior. I'd probably get a better feel of the game that way. I've been reading stuff and the Werepyre hybrid seems to be just a mage without DEX. And I do feel a bit restricted by the Werepyre armors

Sqwall -> RE: Builds List (1/13/2021 5:59:08)


Their "Hybrid Stats" toggle that makes them use STR+INT for damage and accuracy is not limited to weapon attacks and skills; they also make spells use these.

In deed, however i'm yet to see a casting play stile that would outperform Beast mode + warrior build. For the upkeep price Beast mode is well...beast. It's not like you can't cast but you perform sub optimally if you do.

Ryu Draco -> RE: Builds List (1/13/2021 7:45:28)

Beast form is definitely powerful, but this also allows you to use spell slots for more utility style spells. Having auto-hit spells, damage reduction spells, or the other oddities the staff have added over the years can be a good call.

Sqwall -> RE: Builds List (1/13/2021 10:31:21)

@Ryu Draco

100% with you on that but he did say:


I've been away for a really long while so I think my game knowledge is not so great. I'm not confident enough to make a "real" hybrid character

To me this does seem (as i stated before) stuff like Werepyre + Zerker inventory used primarily with the "Attack" button. All i wanted to point out is that Hybrid provides options and making a build around Warepyre ability to not use DEX shuts a good chunk of those options (plus you can't really use any other armor more or less).


or the other oddities the staff have added over the years can be a good call.

Yeah i made an odd character all around the idea of having many options. This is a funky char that pretty much NEVER attacks personally [:D]. You can't imagine how liberating it is once you surrender the obligation to personally kill the enemy to your pets. There are soooooo many things that you can do and still be successful [:)].
That's what i mean about options (although this is admittedly not a Hybrid).

Ryu Draco -> RE: Builds List (1/13/2021 23:43:02)

Ah, my apologies, I must have missed that part.

Sqwall -> RE: Builds List (1/14/2021 13:34:14)

Ofc half a day after i say that, they release a misc that can give you any of the Str/Cha/Int/Dex to the expected for you level amount...Yeah - if you have a char that have no use of that transfer it to that no DEX Hybrid you want and knock yourself out...I rest my case.

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