Scathing Dreamseer vs Cometoid Jelly? (Full Version)

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J9408 -> Scathing Dreamseer vs Cometoid Jelly? (1/12/2021 15:17:58)

How does the Scathing Dreamseer compare with Cometoid Jelly?

They both heal you base on damage dealt. More specifically I am talking about MP and SP regeneration.

Broccoli -> RE: Scathing Dreamseer vs Cometoid Jelly? (1/12/2021 16:37:59)

Jelly heals more

Armsman -> RE: Scathing Dreamseer vs Cometoid Jelly? (1/13/2021 1:24:38)

To be more specific, the Dreamseer sacrifices half of its damage on the attack to heal you for the other 50%. Cometoid on the other, only deals 20%, and the other 80% goes to your own HP/MP/SP in healing.

In terms of sheer healing, the Jelly wins out no problem.

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