A.A.R.G.H. Mastery (Full Version)

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Jay -> A.A.R.G.H. Mastery (1/12/2021 23:00:00)

[image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/DA.png[/image]A.A.R.G.H. Mastery
Purchase Timewarped Trophies from the A.A.R.G.H. reward shop!
(DA Required)

Requirements: Own at least 1 Timewarped Trophy
Category: Challenges Badges

Other information
  • The count displayed on the badge is the number of Timewarped Trophies owned by the player; Timewarped Trophies stack to a maximum of 15 as of October 1st, 2021.
    • Timewarped Trophies previously stacked up to 10.
  • Timewarped Trophies may be stored in the bank and the player's correct count will still be displayed.


    Thanks to Dratomos for entry information.

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