Blade of Awe (Full Version)

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Veleqwii_Fox -> Blade of Awe (1/13/2021 5:38:18)

I'm currently Level 140 and I just upgraded to Guardian so I don't have the BoA yet.

Aside from Crossroads Somewhere, are there other good ways to collect the pieces?

Armsman -> RE: Blade of Awe (1/13/2021 5:52:42)

Nope. You can either grind random battles, or grind "Somewhere" at the Crossroads. To my knowledge (and after a quick double-check of the wiki), there are no other locations where you can encounter the chests containing BoA pieces. The only real strategy to increase the speed of finding the pieces is to pick a Travel location from the Crossroads, grind it up to the maximum level (9 completions), then do Somewhere, and if Somewhere doesn't take you to the Travel location you maxed out, run away and try again.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Blade of Awe (1/13/2021 5:58:48)

Ohh so I have to grind out other locations too. I'll do that first then, thanks!

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