Healing Spells (Full Version)

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Veleqwii_Fox -> Healing Spells (1/14/2021 5:59:53)

Are there any good healing spells? Are they still useful?

What stats do they use for bonuses?

joac1144 -> RE: Healing Spells (1/14/2021 7:27:54)

Healing spells are too weak in my opinion. I think the best standard healing spell we have is the Angel of Darkness or whatever its name is from the URGGB.
It uses INT.

Armsman -> RE: Healing Spells (1/14/2021 8:07:05)

There is also Your Body Heals At The Speed Of Light, which heals you based on the enemy's Light resistance, which means depending on your enemy, you can actually get some decent healing done. It also uses DEX for calculating stat bonuses, and has a small chance of trying to apply Celerity to your side. The Paladin armour now comes with a once-per-turn quickcast healing ability as well, but it's pretty small.

However, healing spells overall are generally considered being too weak to make any meaningful difference in a fight, especially with the nuke meta. Why spend a turn undoing maybe 1-2 turns worth of monster damage when you could delete a quarter of the enemy's HP bar instead?

And even in a defensive setup such as a Beastmaster might have, there are just straight out better options for mitigating damage. The shields from the Dragonlord sets can give you a massive buffer to absorb damage from. The Geocastellum set has a quickcast skill that can reduce enemy damage to a point where they're basically not going to be putting a dent in you. And if you grabbed the most recent spell giftbox, you can basically turn a monsters nuke into a light slap if you're paying attention to their SP bar.

And finally, potions not only tend to heal more, they do so consistently and are ridiculously easy to get ahold of, with an additional upside of not taking up a spell/skill slot that could go towards something more unique and interesting.

So, yeah. Healing magic/skills aren't really in a good place right now. But at least there are other options to get around healing's relative weakness.

LoreQuester -> RE: Healing Spells (1/14/2021 11:16:14)

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: Builds with high charisma can heal a Humongous amount by casting a Healing Seeds (lv 150 or lv130) then cast a lv10 Healing Seeds. You can even heal over 10000Hp if you cast 1 high level Healing Seeds then 2 lv10 Healing Seeds. Have fun abuse this 'til the nerf hammer comes

Ryu Draco -> RE: Healing Spells (1/14/2021 15:56:11)

The only time that I can think of healing spells being preferred over just popping an HP potion is the Dracolich quest, where you need to use a healing spell to break the feedback loop.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Healing Spells (1/14/2021 22:37:19)

@LoreQuester well that's probably gonna get fixed [;)] and 2 spell slots is kind of hassle

I was thinking of alternatives to Mogloween Candy Bag. I'm kind of out of Misc Slots. This is just in case I used up too much HP for Essence Orb, and there's still a next battle

Sqwall -> RE: Healing Spells (1/16/2021 18:03:33)

If you have a weapon slot you might want to try Healing Branch - has heal and cleanse+regen spells in.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Healing Spells (1/16/2021 19:31:01)

Thanks for that suggestion Sqwall, I could probably consider it! [:)]

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