Cyclops Monster (Full Version)

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Veleqwii_Fox -> Cyclops Monster (1/15/2021 20:16:05)

Is there a pattern to how its resistances change or is it just random? I don't really get it

battlesiege15 -> RE: Cyclops Monster (1/15/2021 23:36:29)

Doesn't it change based on the elements you hit it with?

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Cyclops Monster (1/16/2021 1:15:07)

I didn't really notice. It's just kind of annoying, I had to resummon guests and pets everytime it changes lol

Mike Dragonblade -> RE: Cyclops Monster (1/16/2021 3:06:42)

This cyclops?

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Cyclops Monster (1/16/2021 5:13:12)

Yeah, that cyclops

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