Antiguardian Quest Difficulty (Full Version)

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stratuscone -> Antiguardian Quest Difficulty (1/18/2021 10:02:02)

i don't know if this is a bug, or a strategy request,

but in the fight against the Antiguardian (where we are locked to the Ultraguardian armors and shield), the armor locks us into a 100% darkness resist modifier.

Is this intentional? because it makes the fight unnecessarily difficult if we cannot defend against a mob that hits over 1000 with that resistance value.

joac1144 -> RE: Antiguardian Quest Difficulty (1/18/2021 10:27:32)

I believe it's bugged. It hasn't always been that hard. I suggest using a -50% Darkness misc. That'll make it possible to win. Also go in with some potions. I can't remember if it works, but you can try changing your no-drop element to Darkness.

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