SnuggleHearts Shield (Full Version)

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Veleqwii_Fox -> SnuggleHearts Shield (1/19/2021 3:05:55)

How do I get this? Can I access this through SnuggleFest portal painting?

joac1144 -> RE: SnuggleHearts Shield (1/19/2021 7:07:52)

It was from the 2020 Snugglefest. I believe you are able to get it with the painting. Just play the latest quest.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: SnuggleHearts Shield (1/19/2021 9:08:20)

Which quest is that? The last quest on the list is not from 2020, I don't think they're chronologically arranged [:(]

joac1144 -> RE: SnuggleHearts Shield (1/19/2021 10:08:13)

You can get it by doing the standard Snugglefest quest. Complete the miniquest for each of the NPCs.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: SnuggleHearts Shield (1/19/2021 10:21:26)

OK thanks! Doing that now

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