Bloodmage Armors (Full Version)

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Veleqwii_Fox -> Bloodmage Armors (1/19/2021 9:18:57)

Have they been updated? I thought they only consumed 151 HP per spell cast. I'm using Cryomancer Bloodmage, and I lose about 450 HP from casting Destruction Burst (151 HP from DB and an additional 300-ish)

Macho Man -> RE: Bloodmage Armors (1/19/2021 9:29:36)

There was an update a while back that made all hp costing items like the bloodmage armours pay more hp because they were OP. IIRC they were balanced under they assumption of having 0 END but they changed that.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Bloodmage Armors (1/19/2021 10:01:37)

I see. It's a huge chunk of HP. I loooked again, it's like 350 HP per cast. Do you have a link to the update? I'll try looking at Design Notes

joac1144 -> RE: Bloodmage Armors (1/19/2021 10:16:22)

I don't think anything was officially said. They just changed it. That normally happens with normal balance changes.

Mike Dragonblade -> RE: Bloodmage Armors (1/19/2021 19:29:36)

I found when they re-balanced the HP cost for the bloodmage swords (in February of 2020), it is not the same item but it is the same mechanism so probably it uses the same base formula to calculate HP costs (though somebody should see if the numbers checks out for the Armor too):

"the HP cost on these has been adjusted to no longer be based on a % of a 0 END player's max HP, and instead they're now the equivalent MPCost/1.5. We felt that HP costs were a bit low for the benefit that they were giving, so our initial method for HP cost is being ditched and being replaced with this new one."

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Bloodmage Armors (1/19/2021 21:42:35)

I see. Thanks for that! I should probably be more careful casting now lol. I especially hate fighting tank monsters (looking at you, Gologowl) cause they don't die easily, and the HP costs kill me faster than they do.

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