Resist Miscs (Full Version)

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Veleqwii_Fox -> Resist Miscs (1/22/2021 8:40:58)

What are the best resist miscs for each element (subtractive and multiplicative)? Any of them good for beastmasters?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Resist Miscs (1/22/2021 14:21:36)

Optimization Academy of Lore: Miscs categorizes miscs by (multi)elements, identifies Offensive/Defensive/Subtractive/Multiplicative nature, availability Permanent/Guardian/Seasonal/Token/Package/Heromart and what type of item compression it is if it has any.

Each element is assigned a number according to the index, and numbers appear after a decimal from lowest to highest value order, for multielements two or more elements are listed right after another without spaces(.##), for compression a '/' appears between the elements' numbers (.#/.#).

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Resist Miscs (1/22/2021 20:50:04)

Wow thanks for this Ash! What a great resource

I guess my only choice is Irt of Osiris

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