Strawberry Shieldcake (Full Version)

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Veleqwii_Fox -> Strawberry Shieldcake (1/22/2021 21:08:05)

If I buy the package, can all of my characters have the shield? Or just the one I bought the package with?

Macho Man -> RE: Strawberry Shieldcake (1/22/2021 21:57:18)

Fairly certain you can share. They are lv 0 so you could put them in the vault for any character to get it.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Strawberry Shieldcake (1/22/2021 21:59:45)

Ok thanks so much!

Lv 1000 -> RE: Strawberry Shieldcake (1/23/2021 0:21:50)

Most package items have shops with Ballyhoo as well.

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