Strongest Spells (Full Version)

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moe -> Strongest Spells (1/25/2021 14:43:04)

Are these the strongest spells for their respective categories?

Fire/Darkness = Destruction Burst
Ice/Wind = Arctic Tornado
Light/Earth = Creation Burst
Water/Energy = Cysero's Booth

And what're some armors and weapons I can use to boost my spell power?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Strongest Spells (1/25/2021 15:18:20)

The listed spells are the strongest Spell slot spells, however Bloodmage Armor's built in spells surpass them.

Pyromancer's Bloodblade > Arcane Cutlass of Combustion
Aqua Pen, Hydromancer's Bloodblade > Arcane Cutlass of Tides
Feather Buster from Play the Harpie > Arcane Cutlass of Gales
Cryomancer's Bloodblade > Arctic Athame from Going Kukoo
Earth Magestaff
Energy Magestaff, Dynamancer's Bloodblade
Lumenomancer's Bloodblade > Arcane Cutlass of Radiance
Dark Magestaff, Eye of the Underworld

Elemental Wizard Robes
Generalist's Robes
Brilhado Necromancer Robe

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