Info Subs of WereDragon Breath. (Full Version)

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Tantrumz -> Info Subs of WereDragon Breath. (1/25/2021 17:29:41)

I couldn't find it in info subs/spells thread.

joac1144 -> RE: Info Subs of WereDragon Breath. (1/25/2021 19:12:58)

There's no infosub.

Here's some info on it, though:
Earth spell. Comes in MP and SP variants.
It has a +10 BtH lean.
The spell does -35% damage and attempts to turn the enemy into a werewolf.
The save is INT/LUK vs END/LUK for the MP variant and STR/LUK vs END/LUK for the SP variant.
The monster takes a -10 to the save if your current subrace is Werewolf.

Tantrumz -> RE: Info Subs of WereDragon Breath. (1/25/2021 20:15:47)


Ryu Draco -> RE: Info Subs of WereDragon Breath. (1/25/2021 22:45:18)

Would the built in bonus Vamps get against Weres warrant using the spell over other options for Pure Vamp builds?

joac1144 -> RE: Info Subs of WereDragon Breath. (1/26/2021 10:49:15)

I believe the Vampire subrace armors only get +10% damage against werewolves? Then no, I don't think it's worth it.

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