Screen capture question (Full Version)

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peacemaker -> Screen capture question (2/2/2021 11:40:20)

I'm planning to get a picture or two of my character in - game, but I can't remember how to take the [icture.

How do I do it please?

DarkFireKiller -> RE: Screen capture question (2/6/2021 18:38:41)

You can just use the Print Screen key to capture your entire screen, then paste it into Paint to crop. I believe Windows 10 also comes with Snipping Tool, which can let you take a picture of a portion of your screen.

Alternatively, you can get a more powerful aftermarket screen capture software to make things easier on yourself. The popular (completely free) ones are ShareX and LightShot.

If you need a close up of you're character in game, check out the map /wikipic

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