Submitted 3 Bugs for AQW recently (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [AdventureQuest Worlds] >> AQWorlds Q&A


Noctisx -> Submitted 3 Bugs for AQW recently (2/10/2021 19:03:58)

Hey i found 3 bugs for AQW i was wondering if they was getting looked at Thanks [:)]

Sorry if its the wrong Place to post am not sure on where i can post this

Master Samak -> RE: Submitted 3 Bugs for AQW recently (2/11/2021 12:23:55)

Since you have a question (and not a general discussion), I've moved the thread to AQW's Q&A.

As long as you have reported the three bugs in question to then you have done your part!
From the bug tracker page:

We may not directly respond back to every bug report, especially if the issue has already been reported, but issues will be resolved as soon as possible.

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