barkvarosz -> RE: =AQW= Feature and Functionality Suggestions (1/11/2022 23:38:13)
Hey, here are my suggestion to the game, tried to keep it as reasonable as possible. :) The first two would need to implement a new system to even work but here it is, so basically a lot of good old items are being wasted because they are members only and members wont really care about them, so I thought of two ways to balance this out and have old art being used again, increase player activity, and increase membership purchases. What the system needs is a sort of Boolean variable on all items that defaults to "false" called something like "isConverted", and you could basically make said item eligible to players by changing this Bool to true(the player object would have a list of items that the player have converted before, at every log in the server would check this list and change the default "false" in every item the player has on "isConverted" to "true"), here are the two ways to use this system: First, to increase player activity in the game: Periodically change member items of old bosses to be usable for non-members, it would look similar to rare item gifting, but a lot of old art could be used so its a lot less work(provided you have the system for it), these events would be like some periodical seasonal events of some sort, with having like 5-10 bosses dropping them each week, and rotating them out, this could also follow the time of releases making new players more likely to do old stories. Second, to increase membership purchases: Give member players the ability to change X amount of items to non-member in like a month, so they can use them after their membership expires, while at first this may some counterproductive there is a psychological process that goes through the player which actually would increase sales, this is how it goes: At times of economic uncertainty, people wont feel safe having something that can be taken away from them the moment they stop paying, making member items unused, however, there are many guides on the net what to do when someone is member which includes many items that are member to get, but non-member to use. We can conclude from it that people like the safety of having permanently usable stuff, which explains why ac items sell a lot better than member items So when a player has this ability, but only for a certain amount of times/month, it would be really addicting, mainly because it isn't forced, people have the choice of doing this or not but doing it would benefit them a lot, so the more membership you buy, the more items you can convert, therefore more people will buy membership, this could also be fed with an increased amount of newly released member items. My other suggestion would be for the client options. I think some analytic should run in the background to check which are the settings in game that are being changed most of the time, and having those setting be in the front, that would make the new player experience a bit less daunting. Some other random suggestions: -Give armors a property that checks whether it has a leg or not(for ghost looking or floaty armors and so on), and if the armor doesn't have legs, then have them change the running animation to something else that would work with that general type of aesthetic(thinking along the lines of like some "Naruto run" without legs, that would look like some haunting movement I think, this animation would also be very easy to make since it just needs the arms be stretched to the back and that's it, no actual movement needs to be animated). -Auto turn in specific quest would also be nice, great help in farming, however i understand its a bit harder to implement than auto accept quests because it cannot turn in during battle, which is likely to happen during the grind. -Tab to cycle through every monster in the room(would help with bosses that have adds with them)