Light weapons that have a Red color (Full Version)

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Zennistrad -> Light weapons that have a Red color (3/12/2021 21:38:24)

This might sound just a tad silly, but I'm looking for a Light-element Melee or Ranged weapon to use that looks good with the Crimson Paladin Avenger and my custom playerface, which has a primary red color. Are there any light weapons that have a primarily reddish color to them?

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Light weapons that have a Red color (3/12/2021 22:14:01)

Heartana has a red handle. The blade is silver though lol

Mike Dragonblade -> RE: Light weapons that have a Red color (3/13/2021 11:49:52)

It is a completely valid question, no shame in wanting to look good and take good care of yourself.

Couldn't find much though:

This one is mostly Red-ish:

This has some red and some gold, however it also has a downtrigger: (there are two post in this entry, the first is rare, the second is not rare and has updated artwork).

This has some red accent:

This one has red, and a bit of everything too:

Zennistrad -> RE: Light weapons that have a Red color (3/16/2021 10:48:57)

There's also the 4th of July variant of the Blinding Light of Destiny, now that I think about it. I might pick that one up if it returns

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