RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (Full Version)

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stuart -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/20/2021 16:44:54)

@ Sir Cloud,

I 100% agree with you comments above.

Sir Cloud -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/20/2021 17:04:19)

^thanks stuart, appreciate your feedback on helping out Estate owners :)

Xander_Raze -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/20/2021 17:21:34)


Oh and limiting us to only 1 war-wave win per Mega World Portal Army send is like a punishment for one of the primary investment reasons for owning a fully operational Estate system to begin with.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see the fuss about the "1-wave win" from Mega World Portals.

As far as I can tell, the income per send-out remains unchanged despite being only "1" wave each time.
There's never been bonus rewards for sending an army to fight, just for individual wins anyways.

So what's the real harm here?

joac1144 -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/20/2021 18:22:24)


Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see the fuss about the "1-wave win" from Mega World Portals.

As far as I can tell, the income per send-out remains unchanged despite being only "1" wave each time.
There's never been bonus rewards for sending an army to fight, just for individual wins anyways.

So what's the real harm here?

The issue is that this is a multi-sided war. The problem with using estates is that it is unfair if one of the sides have a lot of players with estates while the other side does not. The side with estates would win no matter what.
Since estates cost Z-Tokens, this would result in "pay to win". If no one can use estates, it's only up to the players' dedication to decide which side wins.

s_venom -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/20/2021 19:34:12)

I have to admit that I don't know which side I should fight lol.

Sham is a "selfless" monster in this case and Wabio is the "selfish" monster here, but both of them are still clearly out of their mind.

Also, I have to ask what on earth happened to Wabio's face? pretty isn't a word that I would use to describe it that's for sure....

sunblaze -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/20/2021 19:39:11)

I never noticed since I rerely used the weapon but I started using the Ultra!!! Guardian Scythe (the random version) and as imagined it changes its element every attack randomly. But its appearance only changes once per round.
If you have a celerity effect and attack several times in a round the element changes properly, but its appearance stays like the first attack was.

I have very little experience with that thing? Any insight into that from someone that regulary uses that weapon on random?

and on-Topic: War war against the abomination of love of your choice. [;)]
I am pleased the sides seem almost equal thats a nice twist so far.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/20/2021 20:20:12)

Seems like more people are fighting Sham (from the AQ warzone). I tried doing both sides and it seems Sham is easier because there's a Tank Knight mob in Wabio

ionutzz222 -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/20/2021 20:44:51)

I mean fighting Wabio would make more sense, since defeating him would revert him to Warlic, but I dont like Sham at all and the mobs are easier, most of them are fire so you just go and nuke them with Cyro BM, the MP lets you use the skill 4 times which is perfect since you can oneshot them and the wave is 4 mobs, Im currently at around 800 wins and it gets boring as hell tho :))

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/20/2021 20:49:18)

Tank knights have been replaced by Herdmasters in the pool, as their poor downscaling with 0.5 power made them a little excessive.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/20/2021 21:14:10)

@ionutzz222 I don't really like both of them but I hate Wabio more lol. He's so self-absorbed

@Cray Do I have to log-out for this? EDIT: Guess not, I just had to go back to town

OMG I didn't know we lose momentum from BSODs [:(]

Primate Murder -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/20/2021 23:27:26)

You know, I can't help but wonder about internal leprechaun politics. Sham's transformations present an obvious weakness, marking him as a target for those who seek power as well as any who genuinely may consider him a threat to leprechaun prosperity.

Are we going to be seeing a coup attempt one of these days?

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/20/2021 23:58:24)

That depends on how deterred they might feel by their opponent's ability to bend cell bars and fly through bank walls when a transformation is repressed.

Fondue -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/21/2021 3:20:16)

Finally done with the war. This is the first time I ever hit 2500 individual kills. I don't know how you guys keep doing this... Maintaining 3 to 4 kills a minute i.e. 100+ kills every half an hour was super stressful... probably won't be doing this again. For those wondering what's the setup here's the video

PD -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/21/2021 4:18:57)

While Wabio is clearly an eminent threat (and likely a worse guy than Sham should he win), Sham ruins every Blarney (when was the last time he didn't try to ruin it for us?). Though that being said Sham has been kind of reduced to a gag tool in recent years and despite his antics he hasn't done anything consequential in a while, unlike what a rampant Wabio could do should he be the victor.

I'm actually a bit conflicted over this now that I think about it. I've been going against Sham but I think I might actually change course once I get my 2500 wins on the Sham side.


...and the war is live! For the 2500 win variants of the armors, if you hit 2500 wins for either side you will be given the winning side's variant of the armor after the war ends.

Is this not a combined thing? You have to hit the 2500 on a side instead of being able to add both win columns together?

J9408 -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/21/2021 10:25:47)

I want to know too. What happens if you were on the losing side? 2500 is quite a lot.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/21/2021 10:28:21)

If you hit 2500 wins for either side you will be given the winning side's variant of the armor after the war ends. However, neither side needs to worry about missing out on rewards because [REDACTED], so simply fight the side you wish to take down!


Votes and comments seem to have finally slowed to a halt across all communication channels, with current results being an overwhelming lead for not wiping the meters (No surprise there, given that this took a while and the estate bugs were caught quickly), and a small lead for shortening them.

This is, of course, discounting duplicates from the same users across multiple servers, the same users voting for contradictory results, and users that posted all the reactions in Discord versions of the poll. (I'm looking at you, Cray.)

RobynJoanne -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/21/2021 11:51:30)

Warring is no longer a competition. There's no need to rush your war wins since wars last long enough that anyone can hit 2,500 kills. If you're aiming for the top of the leaderboards (useful only for bragging rights), then that's a different matter. Otherwise, relax and watch a video. One is ultimately limited by one's gold/xp caps rather than one's speed for the majority of players.

My reasoning is far more straightforward. Wabio wants to concentrate all love. That ruins my ships for the characters including the Chosen[;)]. Poor Hans has been trying to court Aria for over a decade, and that's totally unfair for him. Sham might be forcing people to love, but they get to choose the target of their affections (if I'm understanding the situation correctly, which I totally may not). Wabio's the enemy of all womankind.

PD -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/21/2021 13:58:01)

@Cray: Perhaps I ought to clarify. What happens for example, if say I get:

1200 Sham wins
1300 Wabio wins

Technically this isn't 2500 on a side, but combined, this gets you to 2500 individual kills. Would this still make me eligible for the 2500 kills reward?

battlesiege15 -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/21/2021 17:09:52)

A few suggestions and thoughts on warring:
  • Estates in Competitive Wars: Have an option to just kill random mobs in the war area that doesn't move the meter either side. This way, we can use our resources that have been saved up for ages between wars at least to get Gold and XP if needed. Or this could be more of a function such as "Use your armies to protect Battleon while everyone else is at war" if that makes more thematic sense.
  • GGB Resources:: I don't think it's necessary to remove those because although it is a little unfair for competitions, I don't think the estate kills count for rewards and rankings since they are based on individual kills right? So keeping them in the GGBs would just be for speeding up overall wars.
  • Resources from Estates: I know this is a Captain Rhubarb issue, but I think that we are very much overdue for a resource to war kills button. Clicking on the "Send armies" button for 10 minutes just to clear your resources is pretty annoying especially now that many people have 4 storage buildings, the eatery, beanstalk, caves, etc. In the end, having that button for sending all the resources doesn't change anything if it's done in a few clicks vs. breaking the mouse pad by excessive clicking. Same goes for the Trade Hut.
  • Actual War Portals: I remember when the Mega War Portal came out, the concept of visiting another planet was very nifty and using them for wars via the estates was even crazier. However, now, I think people recommend not leveling past level 7 or 8 for the planets just for "efficiency" for war kills. Shouldn't that be changed so having higher rep in each planet would be beneficial? Also,, are there any plans to revamp the other planets? I think it would be a low-priority event (especially with the rep-war-estate functionality), but would be very welcome and could potentially be a reason people spend tokens again (even if it is just to buy the other planet's Portal picture).
These are just some random things I think should be discussed and I am not sure that the staff have really addressed the issues with the Planet Portals and Warring (and I apologize if I missed it). I know Cray is fairly active on the Forums so I hope he sees this and at least let us know if it would be possible.

Also, does anyone know why Captain Rhubarb has to help with updates such as with estates and such? I've always been curious!
And on the note of the actual war, could someone tell me what the mobs are like for each side? I'm guessing fighting Sham = Fightin Leprechauns so having the Sheleighleigh would be a great help for FO warriors?

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/21/2021 17:31:36)

The different sides are technically different warzones, and so get checked individually. So as the system currently works, the wins would have to be on the same side.

Edit: Per the priorly gathered feedback, the wave count goal for each side has now been reduced to 650K!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/22/2021 11:41:11)


Original: Broccoli:
As far as I know, there's no precedent for a non-MC kill reward so either regular lepre-chan is getting an upgrade or they're locking something incredibly powerful behind a time/player limit.

If you look at the reward scroll it says that it is a guest. The one we already have is a pet. That likely means that the non-scaling version will be a war reward. I'm just wondering how it will compare to Paladin Manifestation.

doomas -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/22/2021 19:30:06)

Are the cut scenes different for each side or are they the same?

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/22/2021 19:53:11)

Each side has their own cutscenes as they make their target more desperate.

doomas -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/22/2021 20:23:49)

looks like we will have to beat both sides to get the whole story then.

Thanks Cray

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Blarney War 2021 - Love Is In The Air (3/22/2021 20:50:50)

Only one side can make it to 100%; this is effectively a chaotic race to see which menace gets taken down the hard way so that the other isn't too aggravated to be easily dealt with.

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