Increase credit rewards (Full Version)

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CactusChan -> Increase credit rewards (3/26/2021 22:38:34)

As of the most recent update, Endless Matrix no longer drops Omega Wolf Shards. For those who are unaware, these had a 100% drop rate and sold for 12.5k credits each. It was far and away the fastest way to farm credits, especially with the introduction of Mini Rex making her relatively easy to farm quickly with BM.

The fact that these no longer drop is problematic, because that was the only method by which credits were readily obtainable in large quantities. Compared to the prices of in-game items, achievements, cores, etc., the credit rewards from PvP are pitiful. In order to obtain all the gear you need to be competitive, you need hundreds of thousands of credits, if not millions. That could take thousands or even tens of thousands of PvP wins, which is frankly absurd. Add to that the fact that the meta is constantly evolving, requiring new gear, cores, and class changes on a regular basis, and the mountain of credits required is nigh unattainable normally.

The only reason that more people haven't raised this as an issue is because of gifting, which provides millions of credits to each player. This in an of itself is an issue, however, since item prices have risen steadily in the wake of players have these numbers of credits at their disposal. On top of that, we're now seeing a trend of gifters releasing duplicates of their prizes for exorbitant prices, with prices for individual items sometimes in the millions. The problem now, of course, is that anyone wanting to buy these items has no way of realistically replenishing those credits now that farming Endless Matrix is no longer an option.

With all that said, credit rewards need to be increased significantly, and we should have new ways of obtaining credits as well. I would suggest buffing all PvP credit rewards by at least 5x. Alternative ways of obtaining credits might be found in repeatable missions, buffed/expanded daily missions, login rewards, war prize buffs, etc. This would especially benefit new or returning players, since those who don't participate in gifting are be at an enormous disadvantage under the current system.

RomanianMaster -> RE: Increase credit rewards (3/27/2021 2:11:05)

I don't agree with completely scrapping drops from Legendary Endless M4TR1X. Reducing the drop chance is a way to go, however it'll ultimately anger players about the luck factor involved. Another ways is to decrease it to 5,000 or 3,500. However, I don't see why it was an issue in the first place, people already have millions of credits every year after gifting happens. The drops is needed for those that don't have the time to make it to every major gifting session.

Another change is to revamp daily missions to give significantly higher rewards in credits and tokens.

I vote to revert this change!

RuleBook -> RE: Increase credit rewards (3/27/2021 2:54:07)

I agree with all of this 100% revert the changes or fix the Way things work - Rulebook

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