=Paxia= Is that... a banner? (Full Version)

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Ultrapowerpie -> =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (4/7/2021 14:31:03)


My oh my, a mysterious new logo has been spotted across Paxia... What could it mean?

Zennistrad -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (4/7/2021 14:52:42)

First we get class revamps, now Paxia events are returning? Next you'll tell me the Wizard Games are coming back, too! :o

Macho Man -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (4/7/2021 15:10:09)

Is this... for real? First we get Archmage announced and now we get Paxia...mind blown [:D]

An event where the clans participate in an olympic challenge sounds cool to me

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (4/7/2021 15:32:28)

Oh it's definitely for real, I promise that. I can't say anything about games of Wizards, not my department. In fact I've been mostly focused on Paxia and RL (RL taking huge priority but Paxia on the side)

But Paxia has not been forgotten (I know, feels like ages, has been).

Mortus Est -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (4/8/2021 7:07:11)


Heroes of the Scape -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (4/8/2021 11:23:00)

Arise Aerodu!! Prepare yourself and begin training.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (4/12/2021 17:05:27)

Lucian Clan can return to switch on the lights. [;)]

Zennistrad -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (4/19/2021 13:51:11)

Ooh, I just noticed that the "Igneus Clan Member" enemy has new art.

I guess we really are doing this!

Kilvakar -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (4/25/2021 12:00:50)

Alright Clan loyalists, here we go!!

SIGMUND -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (6/4/2021 12:37:19)

Get ready.....

Now wait another 2 years........

Get ready......

Now wait another 2 years .....

We are really doing it now.

Now wait 2 years ...... [:D]

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (6/7/2021 12:46:31)

No no, it's coming this summer. I promise that much. When this summer? Can't say, but definitely this summer.

Yozai -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (6/14/2021 15:06:02)


Zennistrad -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (6/17/2021 10:24:26)


No no, it's coming this summer. I promise that much. When this summer? Can't say, but definitely this summer.

Around the same time as the ongoing Necromancer revamp, huh?

We're gonna be partying like it's 2006 this year [;)]

neo_manni -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (6/26/2021 0:59:07)

Hey guys long time no see been ultra busy with my RL JOB and finding a new job. If I can save up for a new laptop I will join you is this summer event. PEACE OUT & ROCK ON!

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (7/5/2021 9:14:20)

Hey, I hear that some plucky young Moogle made a Dev Post detailing the event.

Kilvakar -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (8/28/2021 22:37:25)

Wow, I freakin missed the event! I honestly feel like crap right now... Makes sense that Nautica is second to last place :(

I guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet and go full Poe mage since there's no word on when the stat change stuff is going to be fixed, I refuse to miss any more Paxia content!

Thank you so much, Pie, for working hard to bring Paxia events back! Already love the medal and axe items, hopefully it won't be too long before we get to see what happens next!

Kilvakar -> RE: =Paxia= Is that... a banner? (4/23/2022 0:46:35)

Hey Pie! Hope 2022 is treating you well so far. Any hints on future plans for Paxia's revival?

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