The Infernal Djinn Lamp Guest doesn't seek? (Full Version)

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Sphinx Jevoha -> The Infernal Djinn Lamp Guest doesn't seek? (5/15/2021 1:53:02)

Hello Guys:)

The guest summoned from the Infernal Djinn Lamp, the Djinn himself, doesn't appear to element seek.

I used the Lightcaster weapon to trigger Spirit Rend on Combat Trainer, so Darkness Resistance shoots through the ceiling, but the guest Djinn remained in the same red colour and continued to use fire spells.

Interestingly, the pet version of Infernal Djinn works correctly, and does element seek.

On a completely different question - Who designed the artwork for Loco? That art is ridiculously good, perhaps the best looking clown/trickster design I have ever seen!

Magmamax1818 -> RE: The Infernal Djinn Lamp Guest doesn't seek? (5/19/2021 6:42:23)

Huh, maybe it's programmed to only change elements upon summon?
Have you tried re-using the lamp when the monster's still afflicted by Spirit Rend? I don't have ways to apply Spirit Rend myself atm but apparently Spirit Rend's resistance increase doesn't show up on the monster's resistance display, dunno if that makes a difference. I might test it later myself if it works with effects that actually do show up on the resistance display (like Torontosaurus Rex's skill), but finding a monster with just slightly less dark resist than fire resist is probably going to take a while lol.

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