Healing effect reduction bug (Full Version)

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Valencia~ -> Healing effect reduction bug (5/23/2021 10:36:20)

When playing a 2vs2, Sea King's Corruption was active and Piercing Shot was used. This resulted to the -20% healing replacing the effect of -45%.
Unsure if it is the same for Hatchling Rush and Shell Shocker since I don't own those cores.

CactusChan -> RE: Healing effect reduction bug (5/23/2021 19:24:11)

I've tested all possible combinations of Hatchling Rush (HR), Piercing Shot (PS), Shell Shocker (SS), and Sea King's Corruption SKC). SS + SKC can't be used since I can only use one aux core at a time; interestingly, I can't use PS + SS, even though I can use HR + SKC.

I tested against Valestra. Comparing her base heal (324) to the different combinations of heal reduction cores, my conclusion is that the heal reduction core used second always replaces the heal reduction of the first, regardless of the strength of the heal reduction of either core used. The defense reduction on PS and SS remain for their normal duration even if used first.

I also did some testing with Cyber Hunter's Neurotoxin, which reduces healing by 20%, and found some rather strange results. The heal reduction cores' effects do combine with Neurotoxin's, but the combination doesn't seem to be additive or multiplicative. For example, with Neurotoxin + SKC, Valestra healed for 159, which is about 49% of her base heal. If the combo was additive, I would expect a 35%-strength heal; if multiplicative, I would expect a 44%-strength heal. For every combination of heal cores + Neurotoxin, the actual heal was about 1.1x stronger than expected for a multiplicative effect. I would be interested to hear if anyone has a potential explanation.

NDB -> RE: Healing effect reduction bug (5/23/2021 20:44:54)

Yes, I believe heal reduction effects don't stack, and the last one to be applied takes precedence. Same with damage reduction effects (Nanotech Shield, Hardened Armor, etc.). It's probably just a coding limitation.

The reason why Neurotoxin appeared to reduce Field Medic more than it should is because it also debuffs support, and Field Medic improves with support.

CactusChan -> RE: Healing effect reduction bug (5/23/2021 20:59:17)

Actually, the heal reduction was weaker than expected for a combination of effects. However, you're right about the support thing. I would say that Neurotoxin and the heal-reduction cores actually don't stack, but the support reduction gives the appearance of a greater percentage heal reduction than is applied by the core.

NDB -> RE: Healing effect reduction bug (5/23/2021 21:34:18)

You said Neurotoxin + SKC made her heal 49% of normal, so 51% reduction. The expected would be 45%, which is less than expected if the heal reduction doesn't stack, but more if overlooking the support debuff. I think I could have worded my post better to say I had already assumed they didn't stack in your scenario, so that's my fault. Anyway, I think we have the issue figured out, and if it can't be fixed and/or intended to be this way, it would nice if it was noted in the skill descriptions that the effect doesn't stack. The same can be said about other un-stackable effects. The other day I was playing on my alt, and I had to keep telling someone to stop using Feast of Flesh on me since the +35% highest stat from Feast of Flesh didn't stack with my Gene Augment (though it's strange that the passive skill takes precedence in this case).

CactusChan -> RE: Healing effect reduction bug (5/24/2021 7:41:21)

The stat boost from Feast of Flesh doesn't work at all if the player it's applied to has Gene Augment? That's a pretty major oversight. Is the same true of Growth Serum, or does that work because it's a specific stat rather than the highest stat?

NDB -> RE: Healing effect reduction bug (5/24/2021 14:58:32)

I think it's a problem specifically with Feast of Flesh, since it and Gene Augment appear to modify the exact same variable ("+x% highest stat"). I remember a while ago, NW tried to make Sidearm Mastery add % more sidearm damage, which is the exact same effect as Deadly Aim, but it overrode Deadly Aim and had to be scrapped. The game just doesn't seem to be built to handle more than one skill modifying a variable at a time.

Edit: Just realized Omega Override also doesn't work against someone Gene Augment. Not sure what happens when you get Omega Override'd and then use Feast of Flesh though.

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