Plush Mort (Full Version)

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Sapphire -> Plush Mort (6/14/2021 9:53:37)

How is this obtained? (Specifics)
Thank You

Broccoli -> RE: Plush Mort (6/14/2021 11:19:03)

Buy the Mort plush from Heromart and redeem the code.

Sapphire -> RE: Plush Mort (6/18/2021 9:47:02)

The info subs says on it's 2nd attack, it's SP healing

Says: "One hit SP healing, *9/8*0.9*0.85 damage.

BR Lean = 0.4"

So to me this is confusing: Are they doing damage to the monster at *9/8*0.9*0.85 damage, and then you heal some SP based on damage? If based on damage, what's the heal? I get the 9/8 part is the SP heal conversion they usually use, but I feel the entry comes off as vague.

Is it zero damage and ONLY an SP heal at *9/8*0.9*0.85 damage?

It looks like 9/8 for SP regen, .9 for "always being useful like harm", and .85 for auto hit. This tells me its just SP regen and no attack. But Just making sure.

And the BR is applied? The normal 36 base and 71 random are now 14 base and 28 random? Or is it reduced BY so its 22 base and 43 random?

So this pet's stats become completely what?

I want to get the pet, but I need to understand it since it's essentially real money.

Thank you

joac1144 -> RE: Plush Mort (6/22/2021 12:01:19)

Mort's SP healing mode only heals SP. It does not attack the monster.
The *9/8 is the conversion from HP to SP, the *0.9 is for alwayse useful, and *0.85 is for auto-hitting.

BR leans are leans for how much base damage and random damage an item has. BR leans are always a number between 0 and 1.
When a pet has a neutral BR lean (BR lean 0.5), the base damage is 36 and the random damage is 71.
The closer the BR leans gets to 0, the higher is the base damage and the lower is the random damage. Likewise, BR leans closer to 1 have lower damage base damage and higher random damage.
If a pet has a BR lean of 0.2, for example, the base damage is 57 and the random damage is 29.

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