DragonLord(s) (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> DragonLord(s) (6/26/2021 20:24:16)


Location: A Day for Farewells, Dragonsgrasp (Book 3)

Quests given

Shops owned

A Day for Farewells

DragonLord: Worry not! We came here to help, not to be pampered!

Dragonsgrasp (Book 3)


DragonLord: Welcome, <Character>, <Dragon>. Watch yourselves inside the fortress. These are tumultuous times.

Fountain Area

DragonLord: The refugees from Dragesvard wasted no time getting to work! I've never seen the fortress so busy and bustling!

Hudson's Inn

DragonLord: Is that refugee staring at me? He's kind of cute. But what would my dragon think?

Deployment Area

DragonLord: If you look directly up from here, you can see the sky through the mountain's crater.
DragonLord: Sometimes, it's hard not to miss soaring through the air.

DragonLord: Please respect the refugees in their time of recovery.

DragonLord: I'm just here to keep the peace, ma'am.

Soldier Barracks

DragonLord: Is it true? Mritha and Odgne are back...?
DragonLord: Maybe I can find somewhere to hide...

DragonLord: I can't believe Dragesvard was brought down by mushrooms of all things. What a way to go...

Staircase to Prison

DragonLord: Watch your step and enjoy the view!

Outside the Prison Gate

DragonLord: The prison is closed, under orders of Captain Lestrad. We're hoping to renovate it into new refugee quarters.

Other information
  • Female DragonLords' hairstyles are randomly generated each time they appear on screen.

    Female Appearance
    Male Appearance

    Also See: Rebel DragonLord

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