DemonicDarkwraith -> DragonLord(s) (6/26/2021 20:24:16)
DragonLord(s) Location: A Day for Farewells, Dragonsgrasp (Book 3) Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue A Day for Farewells DragonLord: Worry not! We came here to help, not to be pampered! Dragonsgrasp (Book 3) Outside DragonLord: Welcome, <Character>, <Dragon>. Watch yourselves inside the fortress. These are tumultuous times. Fountain Area DragonLord: The refugees from Dragesvard wasted no time getting to work! I've never seen the fortress so busy and bustling! Hudson's Inn DragonLord: Is that refugee staring at me? He's kind of cute. But what would my dragon think? Deployment Area DragonLord: If you look directly up from here, you can see the sky through the mountain's crater. DragonLord: Sometimes, it's hard not to miss soaring through the air. DragonLord: Please respect the refugees in their time of recovery. DragonLord: I'm just here to keep the peace, ma'am. Soldier Barracks DragonLord: Is it true? Mritha and Odgne are back...? DragonLord: Maybe I can find somewhere to hide... DragonLord: I can't believe Dragesvard was brought down by mushrooms of all things. What a way to go... Staircase to Prison DragonLord: Watch your step and enjoy the view! Outside the Prison Gate DragonLord: The prison is closed, under orders of Captain Lestrad. We're hoping to renovate it into new refugee quarters. Other information Female DragonLords' hairstyles are randomly generated each time they appear on screen. [image][/image] Female Appearance Male Appearance Also See: Rebel DragonLord