Sapphire -> Pet/Guest Miscs/Enhancements for Pets/Guests (6/27/2021 11:46:09)
So, I was thinking. We typically see things that mostly buff the player, or nerf the monster. There are some things that boost pets/guests damage, bth, etc and of course charisma boosts do this directly also. But who would like to see other avenues to buff them just like we have options for the player? Such as- Pet and Guest Imbue Miscs that only affect the pet/guest, like the Daw items but for pets/guests, and any other status invoking miscs. What about a weird little idea that a misc kills guest damage to 0, but the guest keeps an effect (like daze, etc) and the damage transforms onto the pet...buffing the pet, maybe at a +5% damage increase PLUS the stayed "live" status effect? So the guest would hit for zero damage, implement it's status if it has one, and then the pets damage becomes Guests + pet +5%. What about a misc that works like Hydromancer's Mana Regain, but only effects pets and guests with upkeep? SP/MP? What are some other ideas around this?