RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (Full Version)

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PD -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/8/2021 15:15:40)

@Brocolli: I actually second that. 100-proc support is always nice, and if it gets to retain the +20% damage boost effect that would make it a top-tier 100-proc

GwenMay -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/8/2021 15:23:16)

This was definitely a fun event for most of it, and Olymp Axe and the medals are great rewards that make your clan relevant for high level game play. The medals are powerful damage enhancing options for element-specific strategies and the axe finally gives every element and every damage type (melee/ranged/magic) a free to play damage boosted weapon. 10/10 for reward design and the event itself.

However, I wish the staff would have announced the reward system that ended up happening (medals and axes for all, with axe recolors from top clan winners) at the beginning of the event, not after the event had ended. I brought up in a forum post when this began that gameplay functionalities like medals shouldn't be locked behind war wins, and I'm glad staff did release medals for everyone. I just think gold/silver/bronze medals should have still gone to top 3/10/25, and then maybe a "participation" medal of a different color be given as a reward for everyone - that way, the winners don't feel like they were misled.

For future events, I recommend that

1. Staff makes clear that no item will be locked behind win count from the start
2. Recolored prizes for individual war participants go back to being locked behind a certain number of wins, not individual ranking, and
3. Top war prizes are clearly decided on and announced at the start of the event, and never changed after the event closes.

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/8/2021 15:34:26)

@Dr Disrespect
I agree, separate titles will fix this mess abit.

But again and again, i still don't get it. Why everyone get gold medals? Those gold ones supposed to be for top 3. It kills me...a guy with 100 kills got gold medal, meanwhile there are players with 10,000 Olympax kills and they get same reward.
I dont care Olymp-axe color honestly because entire tournament were set up for medals and rankings.


Please add "Achievement" list to character page. Which shows player ranking in every war. (Only shows rank if you are in top 25/50/75/100 etc)
Create High-score list which shows your total kills and already create a counter for character page which shows total kills.
it should be below "war battle records"


War Battle records:

Frostval 2020: Never Alone 500 character wins
Dragons Gone Wild 2018 50 character wins
Burning Solstice: The Answer 100 character wins

Total kill-count: 650

Would be amazing, if you go Battleon web-page, open "Top" and there is high-score which counts war kills of all time.

Sorry, if my english is too bad.

EDIT: Olympax 2021 were amazing, i really liked it.
Have a nice day and see you all in the next tournament. :)

Keeper of the Owls -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/8/2021 15:42:52)

Feels like this entire scandal could've been avoided if they released some kind of participation medal in the shop instead of the gold/silver/bronze ones.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/8/2021 17:01:29)

I might be completely wrong, but my gut tells me there may have been some nefarious things going on to help clans, characters, etc. I feel like there was a veil of secrecy around the fact that one clan was way ahead and overnight, they weren't. The jump seemed like a bit much to me.

And even if there was nothing nefarious at play, players were still finding ways to beat caps and continue and keep warring and I do wonder if the ability to do that was an oversight by staff, and maybe it was determined that pay-to-win strategies were not in the best interest of fairness. If that's the case, some transparency either up front or during the realization moment ...could have stopped it. Maybe it was too late once it was realized.

Or maybe none of that is why... I'm not sure.

I do think they have a good reason for it and I'd be willing to bet it was to be more fair to hundreds of players rather than 24 or 80 player or whatever.

I warred more than I ever have. I managed to get 10th. Even though I ended up with a gold medal, it still, at first, felt kind of crappy to push like that and it not matter. On the other hand, I'm not going to complain. It's a GAME, and I really feel like there's a good reason it was decided and the why is likely best left unsaid. I bet there were exploits. That's what I have a hunch about.

So everyone should just get over it and #Move-On

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/8/2021 19:14:46)


What was your olympax kill-count?

More pain, more gain. Wasted 2 weeks and some money.


Branl -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/8/2021 19:26:55)


I might be completely wrong, but my gut tells me there may have been some nefarious things going on to help clans, characters, etc. I feel like there was a veil of secrecy around the fact that one clan was way ahead and overnight, they weren't. The jump seemed like a bit much to me.

It's not really a secret as to what happened with Geoto's numbers. A lot of the players and I'm fairly certain the staff, are already aware of what happened. All I can really tell you on that front, is that nothing "nefarious" really happened, and that very competitive players with too much freetime on their hands can do some insane things to try to win.


And even if there was nothing nefarious at play, players were still finding ways to beat caps and continue and keep warring and I do wonder if the ability to do that was an oversight by staff, and maybe it was determined that pay-to-win strategies were not in the best interest of fairness. If that's the case, some transparency either up front or during the realization moment ...could have stopped it. Maybe it was too late once it was realized.

Cap resetting has been a known feature of buying token packages for... quite a while actually. I'm not 100% sure about the usage of Spirit Miscs to further boost caps being known, but I don't think it's a new phenomena either. And I do believe in the aftermath of all of this, it may be for the best for the community to come together and work with staff members on whether these methods of cap resetting don't just complicated matters or if they go against the spirit of fairness or not. On one hand, these methods are clear advantages to said players, but on the other, they do still have to go through the effort of warring, same as anyone else, just for longer given the cap reset and/or spirit misc usage.


I do think they have a good reason for it and I'd be willing to bet it was to be more fair to hundreds of players rather than 24 or 80 player or whatever.

I feel like this is rather complicated, it may not be a good idea to lock mechanically differing items behind warring to begin with, but at the same time this was a rather abrupt change, and a lot of people that participated in the war may feel upset because of that since their participation in the war was contingent on the information and reward standards set before the war started. I think the general direction is a positive one, but something that was probably better communicated in advance, although if this change was something thought of late stage, there may not have been enough time to communicate this to begin with.


I warred more than I ever have. I managed to get 10th. Even though I ended up with a gold medal, it still, at first, felt kind of crappy to push like that and it not matter. On the other hand, I'm not going to complain. It's a GAME, and I really feel like there's a good reason it was decided and the why is likely best left unsaid. I bet there were exploits. That's what I have a hunch about.

Again, while I feel like the direction is positive, I think players feeling upset about the change are 100% justified. How future wars are conducted, what possible action should or shouldn't be taken upon methods of cap resetting/extending, the reward scheme of future wars, are open questions that everyone should ponder and present to staff in the form of suggestions. Maybe the cap reset itself can remain, but maybe they function in a war the same way warring at capped Experienced and Gold function. And for Spirit Miscs, maybe wars should just outright stop counting your KC after you reach your standard gold cap on top of that. For Goldlining (The practice of fleeing from certain enemies that provide a large amount of gold, thus raising you to the cap slower), maybe war mobs in the future should just all provide the same amount of gold?

Things to think about.

Master Samak -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/9/2021 0:54:10)

SapphireCatalyst2021, while IRL references can be appreciated, do kindly refrain from bringing hot button or potentially tribalizing political references into the forums. Thank you!

To everyone, please move forward while heeding The Hollow's direction to not discuss cheating. I encourage you to focus on offering actionable solutions to how you and fellow players can have even better experiences with events to come.

Keeper of the Owls -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/9/2021 13:03:45)

If this is how war rewards are handled in the future, then there's nothing to be hyped for.

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/9/2021 15:52:15)

@Keeper of the Owls
Comment of the year. You said it all out with one sentence.
If the war rewards were mainly medals, then it dosen't matter how many re-colored Olymp-axes they give to us. They switched rewards after the war ended and thats it.

Could be, top 3 gold, top 4-10 silver, 11-25 bronze and then participation medals for everyone.
Right now all medals are devalued.

Dr Disrespect -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/10/2021 5:22:20)

+1 Exactly what I had in mind.

Biokirkby -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/10/2021 6:32:06)

I fail to see what that wouldn't fix. That said, I can't say I'm personally too bothered, even when I went gold... But I could see myself being less trustworthy during the next war.

On the other hand- as far as I know- this is the first time AQ has done this. I'd like them to do something to honour their promise, but it's not a trend... Yet.

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/10/2021 17:39:44)

Placing players in the C/A/T clan isn't something taken lightly and it was not a guess. This was discussed and confirmed with more than one member of staff. While I obviously cannot share with you the exact methods used, lest the information make it easier to avoid detection, I can tell you that it was based on more than one variable. The decision did not involve the speed of which a single win could be recorded, nor an arbitrary threshold of wins. If you are playing legitimately, you do not have to worry about being cat'd.

Having said that, we are also a small community and I understand we have a uniquely passionate playerbase that would prefer a quick resolution and a show of good faith. Rather than prolong the issue any further, I would much rather be working on new content for you folks! So I will be letting the players involved out of the C/A/T clan with a warning. The medal in the shop has been changed to a Unity medal. Gold/Silver/Bronze medals have been given to the appropriate players on the top list as well as Olymp-axes, since I already had them made.

OG Ranger -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/10/2021 18:02:14)

^ Nice.

CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/10/2021 18:34:00)

I've held off from commenting on the situation on official channels up until now. However, given this development, I thought I would post to communicate my appreciation at this attempt to build bridges. This gesture of good faith will definitely not go unnoticed.

Branl -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/10/2021 18:34:21)

Thanks Hollow, and I do appreciate the good faith outreach there, even despite your reservations.
The medal change along with the additional axe reward was also a very impressive way to address the concerns raised by some of the posters here as well, while still having the mechanical uses of these items available to everyone.

RobynJoanne -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/10/2021 21:03:45)

Thanks Hollow for addressing our concerns. I apologize if I had been overly hostile or passive-aggressive in my original comment. Like Branl says, the Unity medal change while retaining a functional version is a great compromise that should appease both the top warmongers and the average players.

Macho Man -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/10/2021 23:13:41)

Thank you so much Hollow. You made it so everyone can benefit from great items, while still making warmongers feel like they earned something. Genuinely appreciate it! [:D]

GwenMay -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/11/2021 1:30:03)


Thank you for addressing this. This seems like a satisfactory resolution to what was otherwise an amazing event. The reward and the CAT controversies were way too distracting from the real story, the return of Paxia to relevance. I also appreciate the reassurances that the staff carefully deliberates before CAT'ing someone.

Korriban Gaming -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/11/2021 2:32:57)


Really do appreciate the response. This is the type of response we need and have been asking for since the start. I do fully understand that you cannot share with us the methods used to detect it but an explanation, even a simple one, like what you gave here is miles better than the original response we got.

You have every right to believe what you believe in and I think that's perfectly fine. I just feel like warring will never be the same again after this incident.

I think the issue of the rewards have been handled very well. Keeping the functionality of the item the same for everyone so no one gets locked out of a strong/unique effect but at the same time giving the top winners a reskinned version as something for their efforts is possibly the best resolution we could have gotten and I hope this is what future war rewards will continue to be like.

All in all, this is definitely a step in the right direction and thank you for being willing to listen to the voices of the community. Some of us may have come off as rude or passive aggressive (myself included) but it's really just because we love this game and have alot of passion for it. I am glad that bridges are now being built rather than burnt. I look forward to seeing what amazing new content the staff will be bringing us for many years to come.

Biokirkby -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/11/2021 5:34:43)

I have a vague idea of what's happened, but I don't suppose someone could explain what CAT-ing means?

SAARLANE -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/11/2021 7:04:47)

Amazing job, finally they fixed this mess. Thank you!

Is it possible to re-color item names on character page?
Would be cooler if those contest items are more noticeable.

"Gold Olymp Axe" instead of regular black color "Gold Olymp Axe"
(Gold, silver, bronze ones, unity ones can be black still)

#Waiting for next contest.

Dr Disrespect -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/12/2021 9:33:44)

This situation was resolved very well. Thanks a lot.

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/13/2021 17:48:43)

Great items, I am so pleased with them!

Big shout out to the staff!

Winter Olympics 2022 is not far away, will there be a winter version of Olympax? [:)]

ruleandrew -> RE: =AQ= The Olympax 2021 (8/14/2021 4:06:03)

Long term:
2 Olympaxs every 4 years (hold around Summer olympic and winter olympic).

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