Homepage Upgrades Discussion (Full Version)

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PD -> Homepage Upgrades Discussion (7/23/2021 1:56:44)

So as per Hollow's Announcement about the impending Homepage Upgrades, some thoughts that I wanted to previously restate from the other war thread:


After I checked out that announcement about homepage upgrades, I visited the homepage earlier today and saw the new look. I have to say I'm gonna miss the old layout, but modern web design and aesthetics makes for a much more attractive product and a better first impression. The backend already looked much more modern compared to the front end, and now both are pretty much in sync design wise.

But somethings that are now missing are the old fanarts, screenshots and comedy that used to be linked on the homepage. They now link to https://www.battleon.com/Help

Fortunately Wayback machine exists so we can still look at the past but it's really the end of an era for the homepage.

So a lot of old content has been lost. And also along with that, some of the crucial services that the community has relied on like aq-char-info have also been hit with errors because the resources no longer exist. Hoping the staff can fix that. Otherwise, I'm also hoping that with the homepage upgrades we'll either get some official microservices that will help us better track some statistics that were previously managed by the community, or allow us to have some limited API access given to us officially so that we can build these services out better ourselves. It also looks like the design of the homepage is now much more mobile-oriented unlike the days of yore. Maybe a slight acknowledgement of the increasingly mobile-focused landscape of web design.

Otherwise I'm looking forward to whatever updates are coming. It seems like there will be many updates spread out through the rest of this month and into the next one.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Homepage Upgrades Discussion (7/23/2021 10:13:55)

About Page: Maybe mentioning the need for the Launcher would be nice (RIP Flash 1996-2020)
Blade of Awe: Maybe updated art for Valencia and the BoA. There are more than 2 base forms of the Awe weapon. I want the old BoA art back lol
Classes: This page I think is fine, but I just have a little problem with Werepyre being listed as a class. Maybe adding a subrace option on the page?
Quests: Wow, nostalgia with these quests. I'd suggest reverse chronological order with the most recent up top?
Events: Same, but maybe have a section for seasonal events and when they happen, like a calendar

I think this is good! Thank you for linking the Forums on there, this place has been amazing and I wished that I had known about it in the early days of AQ.

Screenshots: Nice but outdated. Would Staff consider a fun little contest for favorite screenshots in game? Different categories would be great. It would for sure also increase Forum participation but I also understand that the Staff are busy.
Wallpapers: Why does AQ have it's own website for just wallpapers? Seems... Excessive lol

Is there any way for a Guardian to get just the X-Guardianship? I thought there was but I don't see a link for it.

The website looks great overall. I know it's a work in progress so looking forward to what it can become!
Would it be possible to have the AQ News section on the main page listed as 2 columns instead of just 1? It would make scrolling easier I'd think. Or have 1 news column and 1 for Token packages/deals and GGBs because those are monthly updates more or less so it would be easy keeping track of them that way.

Zennistrad -> RE: Homepage Upgrades Discussion (7/24/2021 14:34:32)

It looks good enough, but I think that my main issue here is that the new battleon.com has way too much blank space on the left and right of the page, which makes the whole thing look a lot emptier than it actually is.

It seems, weirdly enough, like the homepage is designed entirely for mobile browsers, even though AQ (currently) does not have mobile support.

blex12345 -> RE: Homepage Upgrades Discussion (7/30/2021 23:42:21)

Love the new look but when I click play free it takes you to a new page to download launcher which is fine however at the bottom there is 'Or Play Flash/Web Version' maybe remove that as it will never work now no flash player in browser at all.

Solar Boy -> RE: Homepage Upgrades Discussion (8/1/2021 1:01:22)

Pour one out for the old world map page (http://www.battleon.com/aq-world.asp) that nobody looked at since 2007. Having my username included in that page's credits for the Canyon of Lost Souls screenshot I submitted was surely one of my greatest sources of pride. I know it's going to be difficult, but we must remain strong in these trying times. :p

On a serious note, it would be nice if some of the fun old one-off pages/animations could get a proper home somewhere. The Zardian, Ask Zorbak, Zorbak goes to Con, Battleon Vice, Frogzilla, and so on. I don't know too much about it, but Ruffle could be an option for including the flash content on the site.

PD -> RE: Homepage Upgrades Discussion (8/1/2021 1:26:43)

Oh yeah, I was about to say they stealthily pushed up some updates to the homepage over the last few days including the new visuals for "Magic, Adventure, Story, Danger", and some much more stylized "Create Account" and "Play" Buttons.

Small note on the homepage, there's a minor CSS/HTML bug with the "Play/Create" Buttons where whenever you hover over them the position of the element shifts slightly to the left. Not the biggest deal in the world but if you do it enough times you'll see it.

@Solar Boy: I tried Ruffle, but the game doesn't fully load in-browser. I suspect there's a few API's that Ruffle hasn't implemented yet that AQ still uses. But maybe with time as it gets more developed it may become an option if that means AQ will finally be able to load again.

Solar Boy -> RE: Homepage Upgrades Discussion (8/1/2021 2:24:37)

^Mhmm, I'm not suggesting that they use Ruffle for the full game since that's not viable (yet!), but I believe it would be suitable for the one-off Flash stuff I mentioned. At the very least, Dancing Frogzilla worked fine for me in their web demo... thing.

Zennistrad -> RE: Homepage Upgrades Discussion (8/6/2021 11:22:35)


Oh yeah, I was about to say they stealthily pushed up some updates to the homepage over the last few days including the new visuals for "Magic, Adventure, Story, Danger", and some much more stylized "Create Account" and "Play" Buttons.

Yeah, I noticed that too. It looks much better than it did two weeks ago but I still think there's a bit too much blank space (particularly on the left side) for it to really capture the eye in the way that the old site did.

Shiba -> RE: Homepage Upgrades Discussion (8/9/2021 6:46:44)

I believe the changes aren't done yet, but I find the following important. You can either PLAY or CREATE ACCOUNT. And if you already have an account, the only extra option you get is RESET PASSWORD. There is no (intuitive) way to get to your ACCOUNT MANAGER, to see your characters, GGBs, and other important stuff.

Edit: this apparently only applies to the mobile version.

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