=DF= July 23rd Design Notes: Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Speaker and Slayer (Full Version)

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Peachii -> =DF= July 23rd Design Notes: Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Speaker and Slayer (7/23/2021 19:38:35)


Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Speaker and Slayer

Hey there heroes!

This week, we return to Book 3's main story! Last time, you made your way to the fortress of Dragonsgrasp, hidden away inside a mountain, far from the troubles of Greenguard... But not far enough.

The Greenguard Alliance makes their plea to the DragonLords in this week's release: Speaker and Slayer!


The reclamation of Dragesvard, and controlling the Northlands Proclamation rift depends on the aid of the DragonLords. Aid that they seem hesitant to provide- but maybe they can be convinced.

If you've completed The Royal Resistance, Dragonsgrasp will now appear on the Book 3 Travel Map in the Braughlmurk area.

Greenguard Alliance camps are also now available from Dragonsgrasp by heading east from the entrance! Make sure to talk to your faction leaders for a new lore update!

Also this week, DragonLord with the Dragon's Wrath artifact has been updated.

Wrath Dragonlord now only requires one Spirit skill to fully charge its Spirit combo. However, it automatically empower the next Spirit skill, and cannot be unempowered.

I would also like to address a bug that occurred over the past couple weeks while I was on vacation.

There was a bug where completing your daily quest would result in the game visibily giving you 10 Dragon Coins, when in reality, you received 3. This would result in Dragon Coins going "missing" when relogging, and the actual value was displayed.

This issue has been resolved, and to help make up for it and any confusion it may have caused, every character that logs in from now until September 1st, 2021, will receive 100 Dragon Coins.

And that's all for this week! this week! this week! this week!

Next week, we have our Re-imagined release, including some new old present [error]

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Tags: #Verlyrus

Laeon val Observis -> RE: =DF= July 23rd Design Notes: Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Speaker and Slayer (7/23/2021 20:05:11)


How ironic for a dragonslayer to become a Great Dragon's spokesperson. At least Galanoth received a nice talk and therapy session to keep him from spiraling downwards. Interesting to note that with the new info we have about the Magesterium, we didn't see any outbreaks of Wastes/Planes/Plains entities with the portal that they once had during our visit.

As for the minor change done to WDL, it's definitely more aggressive than ever, possibly more so than RDL, while retaining a reckless aspect to wrecking things. While I have yet to fully field test it (I only did a run on a 5k HP dummy), the defensive sustain is definitely improved provided that you finish your spirit combos with fire. Otherwise, you can go all out with a Darkness>Water>Light>Energy>Heart.

AstralCodex -> RE: =DF= July 23rd Design Notes: Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Speaker and Slayer (7/23/2021 23:50:11)

The quest has great art, and I enjoyed the lore dump and various reveals.

As a slight nitpick, many players (including myself) had a bit of trouble finding the camp containing the current quest. (It's immediately to the right before entering DG.) Maybe a popup or dialogue could be added to help people find it?

The WDL buff is great. Here's the current rotation that I've been doing:

Set up with Fire or any other spirit
1. eWater
2. Energy
3. eDark
4. Heart
5. Wings
6. Any non spirit (Eye)
7. Any Spirit
8. eFire
9. Any spirit

This lets you get +200 crit, 50 boost, HP/2% extra base damage, and -25 all on your Heart + Wings nuke.

As before, you should use INT or DEX as your mainstat.

Primate Murder -> RE: =DF= July 23rd Design Notes: Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Speaker and Slayer (7/24/2021 1:14:41)

I'm surprised at how easily the Dragonlords assented to share the information about the Great One with Jaania. You know, the homicidal fanatic that chained up hunderds of dragons?

Flabagast -> RE: =DF= July 23rd Design Notes: Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Speaker and Slayer (7/24/2021 4:19:28)

It's good to have you back, Verlyrus!


I actually cheered when I saw Galanoth's name. How's that for some character development? :D
I think we should already know the name(s) of the Great One. I don't have a link to that old Design Notes post, but has a list of names of every Great Dragon, decided by the community (with Akriloth being the exception).

One small concern. I don't recall Galanoth running in against Frostscythe - although I wasn't there for that time he invaded Falconreach - wouldn't it make more sense if Galanoth referenced Aisha from the Ice Orb Saga?

@Primate Murder
Enslaving dragons was Akanthus' idea, but I guess you could argue Jaania is responsible for his actions as many have in the past. Also, using spoiler tags would be a good idea. :)

Vaalirus -> RE: =DF= July 23rd Design Notes: Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Speaker and Slayer (7/24/2021 4:21:44)

To be fair, Doyle was under the impression that Hansa could at the very least be willing to keep it between them and the immdeiate party up until she pointed out she was going to do the literal opposite. It was already pointless trying to hide the existence of the Great Dragon once Hansa deduced that it existed within the mountain. As Doyle puts it, the best they can hope for is that Hansa is able to see that the Great One is benign enough to not bother trying to make any future plans against it or Dragonsgrasp.

But I agree that Jaania is literally the worst person to have access to this information and kind of already suspected Hansa was going to be an issue regarding the Great One the second we heard the Dragonlords talking about it.

Galanoth mentions encountering Frostscythe in his "talk" button when you see him in Dragesvard


Galanoth, of all people, being named a speaker is certainly interesting and it begs the question as to the nature of speakers. Galanoth stated the title of speaker was a honorary and traditional one which of course implies the existence of past speakers. So, can all Great Dragons have speakers? Or is it just this one? How is a speaker selected? If all Great Dragons have speakers would riders like Vilmor automatically qualify for the position? Thus making them the speaker for Cryozen jr? Or is the position of speaker and a GD different from that of a dragon rider and a GD?

The Elemental Planes just being stabilized sections of Elemental Wastes is interesting. It means that the Exalted weapon that was referenced in the Last Stand of Ehr'Ishin did way more damage to the elemental plains than we originally thought. It explains why True Mortal could accidently found himself in the Elemental Wastes as opposed to the Elemental Plane of Ice like he originally intended and why war beasts like Cryohem are just waiting on the other side of the rifts.

Dratomos -> RE: =DF= July 23rd Design Notes: Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Speaker and Slayer (7/24/2021 11:48:13)

Great to have another main story quest. Seeing Gal again was really neat and it was nice to see that Lestrad is still the same as he was 11 years ago (or 5 in game's timeline). At least he is nicer(-ish) to Doyle now.

ChronoEye -> RE: =DF= July 23rd Design Notes: Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Speaker and Slayer (7/26/2021 9:35:29)

I have to say this, but, holy god, the vocals added to the Proclamation War theme makes me already feel, that we're close to the end. Sure, it's just a small add-on, but a very perfect one at that, at where we're going towards to!

Looking forwards on where we're going from here on out!

Flabagast -> RE: =DF= July 23rd Design Notes: Book 3: The Awakened Depths: Speaker and Slayer (7/31/2021 4:13:09)


Galanoth mentions encountering Frostscythe in his "talk" button when you see him in Dragesvard

Well, so he does! Oops. I suppose one could argue Galanoth actually benefited from the events of the Ice Orb saga, as that's what lead him to acquire his Dragonbane sword. His experience of working with the Hero may have also started to challenge his beliefs as well.

Whereas if Frostscythe was what partly compelled Galanoth to become a Dragonslayer in the first place, then it makes much more sense to mention his name rather than Aisha's. My bad!

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