Man (Iconoclasm) (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Man (Iconoclasm) (8/15/2021 0:15:33)

Man (Iconoclasm)

Location: Iconoclasm

Quests given

Shops owned

Man: Yes, Lady Notha. For now, at least.

Man: Er... my lady, forgive me if this is out of place, but...

Man: The winter festival is fast approaching, and I was wondering if you would...

Man: I know you're far above the station as one such as I, Lady Notha, but I think it would be good for you to get some fresh air, maybe... er...

Man: Haha, of course. Of course. My apologies, my lady.

Man: *sigh*
Man: Generous as ever, Lady Notha.
Man: May the Makers bless your work.


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