NEOCROM -> RE: VHL farming tips (9/12/2021 11:36:05)
Well, atm i find Dirt-y Deeds Done Dirt Cheap the fastest way to get tainted gems. Well...since i've farmed like crazy an almost required number of blood gems that will help me when converting. Now the only left challenge left are the emblems. And the totems which i can get them by doing the same as i do with tainted gems. Still, was a time when i thought VHL is the hardest thing to get in the game, but Archfiend Doomlord is taking that crown, mostly because of the absurd requirements and poor drop rate of uni 19, and medium to poor drop rate of uni 34, and definetly that poor drop rate of uni 35. Still, AFDL would be the next one after VHL. Any tips on farming this one or i assume the best tip on this would be a "good luck"?