Neko Charges (Full Version)

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OG Ranger -> Neko Charges (9/16/2021 22:41:14)

I think Neko armor charges need either a change or a buff to make them accessable. All of the skills in the armor are readily accessible except two which require 40 charges. The problem is that in order to use these charge skills you need at least 10 turns as you get 4 charges per turn. I have completed entire quests without getting the full charges needed for each skill which defeats the purpose of having these skills in the first place. Most battles do not come close to taking 10 turns. Neko also does not have a quick way of gaining charges like other charge items do to circumvent slow charge rates.

I have 5 suggestions to make these skills accessible without precharging 30+ turns on combat trainer:

1) Double the number of charges you gain each turn

2) Halve the charge cost of each skill

3) Add a new skill that lets you skip a turn to gain charges

4) Completely remove charges from the neko armor all together

5) Add a once per login/day get free charges (e.g pray at the neko statue for 120 charges per day/login)

RobynJoanne -> RE: Neko Charges (9/16/2021 22:55:32)

Alternatively, add more and buff Neko items to help with charges. They increase the charge rate by a relatively substantial amount, but there just aren't enough of them.

Sapphire -> RE: Neko Charges (9/17/2021 8:00:14)

The only thing I see here that I could *maybe* agree with is some free charges in the beginning of the login.

A "bake" option isnt really good unless it keeps yor pets and guests from acting, then I'd be ok with it.

I have gotten 800-1k charges just messing around. They add up quickly IMO, and yo get extra charges for using neko shields I think.

I personally think it's all fine as is, but I also do understand maybe for some who still only play in a "lunch break" manner . I could see that being a problem.

OG Ranger -> RE: Neko Charges (9/17/2021 12:40:48)


I personally think it's all fine as is, but I also do understand maybe for some who still only play in a "lunch break" manner . I could see that being a problem.

That's exactly the type of person I'm talking about. If you gather up charges then never log out or play for countless hours then of course it won't be a problem. Plenty of people only play a few hours a week spread out over the week.


Add beast form Neko.

It's already a beast though. How would that even work?

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